
valentin-silvera avatar image
valentin-silvera asked

Multiplus-II GX does not detect the Wifi network

In one installation I have 3 systems that work independently: 2 systems using Multiplus-II GX and one using Cerbo GX.

The Cerbo GX can connect to the client's Wi-Fi network without problems.

The 2 Multiplus-II GX cannot detect the Wi-Fi network. The client's Wi-Fi network does not appear as an available Wi-Fi network. At first I thought it was some hardware problem, but it seems impossible to me that precisely the two Multiplus-II GX have a hardware problem.

We tried making a hotspot from my cell phone, and the Multiplus did detect the network.

Our client uses ubiquiti and Unify for internet. Could that be the problem?

All the equipment is in the same room, that is, at the same distance from the router.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Could be that the network is hidden. Then you need to manually give network id and password.
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valentin-silvera avatar image valentin-silvera kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

But would it be hidden only for the Multiplus-II GX? because Cerbo detected the network without problems like cell phones

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Al avatar image Al valentin-silvera commented ·
I've also found recently that a Cerbo couldn't see a the WiFi dongle or either an android or apple phones hotspot, but would see and connect to a different access point, we didn't trouble shoot much, so I don't know why the Cerbo can see some access points and not others. This is all 2.4G as it isn't 5G capable.
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1 Answer
Jason - UK avatar image
Jason - UK answered ·

@valentin silvera Do you have the WiFi antenna fitted?


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valentin-silvera avatar image valentin-silvera commented ·

Yes, we tried it with an external antenna and it didn't work either. The WiFi network is 2.4GHz, we have already checked that.

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wilm avatar image wilm valentin-silvera commented ·
Ubiquiti is usually not for home-networks, but preferrable for linking networks together.

There are some special setting (e.g. bandwidth 20/40Mhz) which are eaten by some network-adapters.

My multiplus IIGX doesn't see either my ubiquiti-nanostation which is in access-point mode.

Use a simple 2.4Ghz WPA2-AP and your issue is solved.


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