
mineos avatar image
mineos asked

Phoenix smart charger shut down procedure

Hi. I recently purchased a phoenix smart charger 12/50.

Is it acceptable to cut the power to it with a switch on the mains side?

I checked the app but there doesn't seem to be a function to open an internal contact.

Thanks for any help offered.

Phoenix Smart Charger ip43
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2 Answers
KämpingVan avatar image
KämpingVan answered ·


I hope i'm not misunderstanding you. But if you want to switch off the charger remotely, you can wire a switch to the remote terminals.

Phoenix Charger terminals picture

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mineos avatar image
mineos answered ·

Hi KampingVan,

Thanks for taking the time to respond to my query.

So, the previous boat owner had a Sterling AC to DC battery charger installed and wired a switch into the live side of the electrical supply to the charger.

In effect its like unplugging the power to the charging unit. I'm just worried that 'un-plugging' the charging unit while it's in operation will shorten the life expectancy of the unit. Does the unit need to be switched on and off by the remote terminal or is it acceptable to 'plug' and 'unplug' as required.

I suppose I'm just hoping that I don't need to do any additional wiring. Talk about being lazy ;)

Thanks again.


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