
Richard Bennett avatar image
Richard Bennett asked

Multiplus 12/3000 Inverter, ELCB connected to output 1 circuit trips out

Why is the earth leakage breaker installed downstream of Output 1 tripping.

Have installed the Multiplus inverter in our van.

Connected GPO’s to output 1.

Installed an earth leakage breaker downstream.

It trips as soon as the inverter is switched on.

Is it because the inverter has the neutral and earth connected?

Taking the ELCB out of the downstream circuit and it operates as expected

Except now no power from Output 2

Regards Richard.

Multiplus-IIMultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

ELCB's can only react to faults downstream of them, therefore you have a fault downstream of the ELCB.
The Earth - Neutral bond must be in place for the ELCB to work when such a fault is present. Disabling the Earth - Neutral bond will render the ELCB useless.

AC-Out2 only works when AC is present at the input.

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Richard Bennett avatar image
Richard Bennett answered ·

Thanks WKirby.

Maybe I’m reading the schematics wrong, but isn’t the neutral paired to the earth in the unit?

Therefore the ELCB picks this up through the GPO’s and thinks its a fault.

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