
nicknack avatar image
nicknack asked

Startup Multiplus load

Hey everybody,

I've finally build an electronic controller for my fridge and now I can see via MQTT when the fridge compressor is on or not.

So now I have programmed in node-red that the inverter of the Multiplus goes out when the fridge isn't cooling and comes back on when the fridge needs power to cool.

I have 2 questions, is it bad for the multiplus to cycle its inverter on/off for ~1 or ~2 times an hour? Is it okay for the Mutiplus to start inverting with a load on it's output (the fridge)?

It's a Multiplus 12/1600/70-16 and the fridge uses around 60W when running. Startup power is of course way higher.

Kind regards,


multiplus ve.bus
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


It would be better to have a way to trigger AES mode rather than switch off the inverter.if you are trying to save power.

It is not great for the inverter to start up with a load particularly a compressor load.

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nicknack avatar image nicknack commented ·

Thanks for your answer!

The problem with AES mode is that you need at least 15W or so (I don't know the exact number). I used to use AES, but sometimes I use a load smaller then the smallest possible value (anti-mosquito thing), so the inverter didn't start up. That's why I don't like to use it.

If I program a delay, like 10 seconds, between the startup of the inverter and the fridge, would that be enough?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ nicknack commented ·

I like where you are going with your thinking but you may find anything you think you are saving is probably being taken up again anyway with the transformer core re saturating on start up.

you are now talking about switching off now so the mosquito thing is obviously not a factor anymore.

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some-user avatar image
some-user answered ·

Don't have answers but interested; are you using the "zero load power in search mode"? Or just turning of the inverter?


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nicknack avatar image nicknack commented ·
I turn the inverter on and ff to get maximum energy savings.
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