
bombadill avatar image
bombadill asked

Multiplus II 5000 48 + Micro Hydro Turbine 220V / 300W / 1.5A max


I am looking to supplement my Multiplus II 5000 48 (with two pylontech US5000 48 4.8kw) batteries to draw power from my hydro system during the dark / snow season on the mountain.

The hydro system provides direct AC 200-260V depending the water situation, but generally stable 230V 50+ HZ 250-300W power output. I could stabilize this further by running the through a current stabilizer to get even more smoother output.

My question is though, can I directly expect to plug it into the Grid-input (AC Input) in my multiplus, or will there be problems? I've understood that the capacity of the generator should usually be 2x the capacity of the inverter, so in this case around 8000 - 9000W which surely is not the case.

Can I use the input regardless? Couple of scenarios in mind:

  • set multiplus to use hydro grid input only to charge batteries when available
  • set multiplus to bypass battery charge with hydro grid input available and use it only for to run the direct house ac? for any given moment, if I don't run the gas heater, the loads are between 50-150W max. The system is used to run household items around 2.6kwh consumption daily.

At least, the Multiplus II should then be set up to not input any extra from the solar system (4x150W panels) to the grid side.

Any other issues or suggestions I should take into account? I've seen many people using DC systems with MPPT hooked up, but this is not an option with mine.

And yes, I do understand, that the 1.5A is low on the battery charging side, but imagining situation where the 1.5A is constant and the house draw is minimum when I am away (below 50W constant, this should be enough to sustain business for perioids of time when there is snow on the panels or I am away.

Multiplus-IIHydro and Wind Power
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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·
@bombadill Have you thought about using a small 500 or 800VA multiplus as a load for your hydro, and charger for your batteries? A much better match for the hydro.

Then use the multi II as an inverter for your AC loads. That will decouple any AC frequency deviation between the hydro and you AC output. And provide overload protection for the hydro (as you would limit charge current to match the hydro capacity).

Do check the smaller multis are compatible with your batteries.

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bombadill avatar image bombadill klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·
I would still want to use multiplus II to charge the battery with the solar. Is this a problem using two chargers to charge the pylontechs? I did check, they should work well with 48 Multi 500 as a charger.
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Michelle Konzack avatar image Michelle Konzack commented ·
The MultiPlus 5000 has a minimum Input current of 6,2A and can kill/overload your Hydropowerplant with only 1,5A.

If you want to charge the batteries with this 330W, you have to change the charger setings to lesser then 5A (you have to try thus out starting with smaller value) charging current.

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bombadill avatar image bombadill Michelle Konzack commented ·
Yes, I did have this problem in mind. Question though, can you limit the charge voltage for AC Input in multi just for the AC Input? Meaning the MPPT would charge independently with more efficient charge voltage the batteries. I can think couple of problems here.
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Michelle Konzack avatar image Michelle Konzack bombadill commented ·
The MPPT charge independantly from the MultiPlus, hence using a small MultiPlus 500 ot 800 let you choose with how much you can charge the batteries
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1 Answer
Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

As already suggested, you can use a small MultiPlus 48/500/6 or MultiPlus 48/800/9 as charger for the batteries.

Config the small MultiPlus as "Carger only", select "Generator" at ACin and see if it works. If the frequency is not very stable, you minght activating "Weak AC source" too.

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