
Martin Opdebeeck avatar image
Martin Opdebeeck asked

Charging Without using Batteries

I would like to not use my batteries for charging the EV.

I can of course manually set the batteries on keep charged, but I also do not want to charge them if not at 100% during EV charging . Is this possible in VRM or Venus ?

hereby you see Pylontech batteries dropping during night scheduled EV charging process



I would like to avoid unnecessary cycles on the 21 kw Pylontech Bank

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2 Answers
crisg avatar image
crisg answered ·

Yes it's possible using NodeRed. You musst programming this yourself.

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crisg avatar image
crisg answered ·

Like this


1700031122369.png (86.8 KiB)
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crisg avatar image crisg commented ·

In the case described above, the battery inverter is simply deactivated if a charge is detected on the car battery between 10pm and 6am. as soon as the charge stops, the inverter is activated again.

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Martin Opdebeeck avatar image Martin Opdebeeck crisg commented ·
Great job ! thanks a lot.

It is a bit too early for me to use Nodered but I will certainly do.

But I think this should be a nice satndard feature in standard tools.

Et je vois que tu charge la tesla de nuuit ;-)
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