
smueff1970 avatar image
smueff1970 asked

Failed to connect. Make sure to enable Remote Console for LAN, and reboot the device.


i already read all articles here and tried something. i have only ssh access at the moment over LAN. Wireless is very poor because it is inside in a metal box.

Here some settings. Have everyone an idea whats wrong ?

'Services/AccessPoint': 1,

'Services/Bluetooth': 0,

'Services/Bol': 0,

'Services/Console': 0,

'Services/FischerPandaAutoStartStop': 0,

'Services/Modbus': 0,

'Services/MqttLocal': 0,

'Services/MqttLocalInsecure': 0,

'Services/MqttN2k': 0,

'Services/MqttVrm': 0,

'Services/Socketcand': 0,

'System/AccessLevel': 2,

'System/ActiveNetworkConnection': 1,

'System/AutoUpdate': 2,

'System/LogLevel': 2,

'System/ReleaseType': 0,

'System/RemoteSupport': 0,

'System/RemoteSupportIpAndPort': '0',

'System/SSHLocal': 1,

'System/TimeZone': 'Europe/Berlin',

'System/VncInternet': 0,

'System/VncLocal': 1,


Venus OS
2 |3000

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