
james-energy avatar image
james-energy asked

Hi All - high discharge current alarm plyontech Batteries

img-5976.pngHi all - I have 1x 15kva Quattro connected to 4x plyontech us5000 batteries- when turning on the inverter I get all the batteries going into alarm - touch screen from the Cerbo gx unit says - as below in the picture- system worked fine for weeks - then it was turned off for 62 days

I have a solar MTTP unit connected also -

It’s a mobile battery unit that I have built


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerPylontech
img-6014.jpeg (2.1 MiB)
img-5976.png (5.6 MiB)
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6 Answers
Richard Norman avatar image
Richard Norman answered ·

The only time I have seen this on my pylontech batteries was when connecting together batteries that were at different states of charge.

Are you powering on the batteries with the inverter connected? So that they do there soft start to pre charge the capacitors? I'm guessing a 15kva will have some fairly serious inrush.

If they are on the charger and your connecting the inverter they will probably trigger for a period.

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james-energy avatar image
james-energy answered ·

Hi Richard - I am turning on the batteries after I have turned on Quattro with a mains input connected 1st - I tried the master battery and had not luck so I tried each battery one by one and same issue appearing on the screen -

I will disconnect the Quattro and the solar charger and try to start all 4 batteries and see what happens

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james-energy avatar image
james-energy answered ·

This picture of the screen is how the system is before I try to turn in the batteries img-6016.jpeg

img-6016.jpeg (1.9 MiB)
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Richard Norman avatar image
Richard Norman answered ·

Only other thought is check the voltage of each battery, showing 99% soc with 50v is odd so could be an imbalance between them which is causing the high discharge.

If they've been disconnected for 62 days, but you would think that would be the same regardless of the quattro being connected, unless the discharge is switched off on the managed BMS until the quattro connects.

Should be reporting in cerbo under the managed battery section.

The pylon guide to join batteries and balance is without the battery comms cables to be connected if there is a difference between the batteries you would remove the communication switch each on individually and then they will settle out.

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james-energy avatar image
james-energy answered ·

I am going to out the Quattro into charger only mode and try turning on the batteries one by one to see if that makes any difference

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james-energy avatar image
james-energy answered ·

Solved the issue - it’s was my solar charger Controller

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h8mecz avatar image h8mecz commented ·
And can you explain what whas the root cause of this problem - just to have some lessons learned here. Thank you ;)
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oskar avatar image oskar commented ·

Yes please @James Energy , describe what you changed to fix it.

I think I have similar problem. I got this alarm on peak sun of the day.

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