
solarlion avatar image
solarlion asked

What is the "RamDiskMode"?

There is a MQTT Endpoint in settings called "RamDiskMode". But I cant find a single Ressource about it, what is it, how does it work? Anyone has an idea?


cerbo gxMQTT
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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·


Moving to modifications

But this link may help.

Guessing it's a boolean indicator.

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solarlion avatar image solarlion commented ·
Why modification? Its build in from Victron and in each cerboGX by default.

I know what a RamDisk is, but not what Victron is doing with it.

What is stored inside the Ramdisk - and why? Maybe logging is directed tehre to reduce writing to eMMC for duration? Why is it then disabled by default?

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ solarlion commented ·
Because MQTT content
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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

Looked at the code and it appears this only affects VRM logging when an error writing to the internal storage or an inserted SD/USB card occurs.

The VRM logging stores records in local storage only until they can be sent to the server. Using a RAM disk for this temporary storage means stored records would be lost on a GX device reboot. So it is only a last ditch effort to maintain records.

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solarlion avatar image solarlion commented ·

Thank you. Any chance to activate this by intend to save eMMC writes or is it only active after the file system is broken?

Currently CerboGX write about 9 GB/Month even with VRM disabled. That calculates to exactly 20 Years of lifetime of the eMMC - no spare time left...

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem solarlion commented ·
I suspect not. I believe most of the writes are to the VRM cache if the VRM server isn't accessible, for settings updates and to logs. Settings updates MUST be non-volatile or their values would not survive a reboot/crash. Logs are valuable for post-mortem should there be a problem.

VRM cache is moved to an inserted SD card which can then be easily replaced.

I suppose you could mount /data to the SD card also but that takes changes to Venus OS every time the firmware is updated.

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