
jana avatar image
jana asked

Multipluss 24/3000/70 want restart after powerd off when connected to GX

I have a setup with a MP connected to a cerbo gx. it works fine. but sometimes when i power the MP off it want turn on. To trubelshot i disconnect the ve bus connection. After doing this it would start again. The same thing happens when i restart the GX. a MPPT 250/70 and a BMV700 is also connected to the gx with a VE direct cabel and works great

multiplus ve.bus
2 |3000

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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Try a new premade CAT5 cable for the VEBUS connection.

Check the wire loop on the inverter's remote connection isn't loose.

What firmware is the inverter? If it is old, 4.8x or earlier, update it.

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2 |3000

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jana avatar image jana commented ·
Thank yout nickdb for tip. I always use premade cat6 cable. This i hawe also changed. But the wierloop is not checked. and the firmware is from 2019. I will update the GX and the MP2 next time i am on the site.
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