
graham-willsher avatar image
graham-willsher asked

VIctron VRM api node red configuration question


Please excuse the simple question, but I am having problems configuring the Victron VRM API in node red.

I have got a my VRM token, and use my VRM portal ID as the VRM site ID. When I try and connect I get a child "VRM Portal ID" not found error message. Now I assume that my VRM portal ID is not the same as my VRM site ID. Can anyone point me into the direction as to where I can find the VRM site ID.



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2 Answers
ralfschneidersohland avatar image
ralfschneidersohland answered ·

Hi Graham, i've found the answer: it's the 6-digit number you see in the url of your vrm-site like this:

greetings Ralf

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graham-willsher avatar image
graham-willsher answered ·

Hi Ralf,

Thanks for that. Worked like a charm.

I for the life of me could not see where to find it.


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Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.

I've released an update with some clearer documentation on getting the site id right.
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