
Alex Leo avatar image
Alex Leo asked

Easysolar 2 MPPT limiting PV power

Hello guys.I have an Easysolar2 GX with one Pylontech US3000C that was used as a grid backup for some equipment.Everything perfect.Then I added some strings of solar panels,and the MPPT was only charging the battery if it was discharged,but not assisting with the load.When grid was disconnected manualy the MPPT was going full power producing 4000w+ for the loads and charging the batery.But i couldnt disconnect the grid everyday manually,so I activated Virtual switch.After doing this,the MPPT doesnt want to use all the available power from PV,it stops around 1900w and if the load is bigger its taking power from the battery even though there is enough PV power.I also uploaded the original settings file that i saved before activating Virtual Switch,but MPPT is still doing this.Any ideas what could be wrong ?



MPPT ControllersMPPT SmartSolarEasySolar All-in-One
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Have you checked your connections?

You could be missing a string. Blown fuse maybe?

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Alex Leo avatar image Alex Leo Alexandra ♦ commented ·
I checked all fuses,everything is fine.
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3 Answers
Alex Leo avatar image
Alex Leo answered ·

Problem solved.Looks like a "professional" that i asked to look in MPPT settings had changed Max Charge current to 37A,which is the max that the battery uses,but its not the max that the MPPT should put out.The MPPT current has to be 100 and the Pylontech BMS would limit itself to 37 with the rest going to the loads.Its time to move on to ESS :).Thank you to everyone who tried to help.

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Robert Boerescu avatar image
Robert Boerescu answered ·

You need to setup ESS assistant and it should work as you require.

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Alex Leo avatar image Alex Leo commented ·

Hello Robert.I have configured ESS and uploaded the file,but after this the inverter restarts and there is no assistant loaded...Dont understand why.And also everyone suggests VS now instead of ESS.I dont know who to listen to anymore.( Numele sugereaza ca esti roman )

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ Alex Leo commented ·

These aren't consumer products. This is why it requires knowledge and experience to configure. Best use the "where to buy" page and find a professional to help you.

The internet has too many opinions and without the background to work out which ones to ignore, you will only get frustrated.

If you want to do this yourself, go to the professional site and do the free online training. It will point you in the right direction.

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Alex Leo avatar image Alex Leo nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Thats exactly what I started to do,the free training.
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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Alex Leo

To some degree the pylontec has control over the PV. If you are running a 5kva with one pylon then that is part of the problem. The charge and discharge from the battery will be insufficient.

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