
bazil avatar image
bazil asked

Are my calculations correct regarding cables and fuse rating?

Having read this adjacent post together with the wiring unlimited PDF, could anyone please check my understanding and intentions:

4 x 12 V 200 Ah batteries wired in parallel connected to Multiplus 12/1600/70
Battery to busbar cable lengths are 50 cm
Busbar to inverter cable length is 100 cm

My intentions:
• Ignoring surges, inverter will place a maximum load of 133 A (1600 / 12) on the DC input
• Consequently, I will need a 200 A fuse between inverter and battery bank 133 x 1.25
• Battery cables to busbar: 16mm2 ( 4 x max current 48 A)
• Busbar to inverter cable: 50mm2 ( 1 x max current 150 A)

Have I got that right?

Best regards

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Yup all good.

I've have a similar set up with 16mm² from all four batteries to the bus bar. Short 50mm² to the inverter through 200A fuse.

No issues to date.

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bazil avatar image bazil commented ·

Really appreciate your help!
Thank you so much!

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beat avatar image beat bazil commented ·
With these gauges, as with any, the cable mounting is important. With these gauges, make sure to keep cables not in closed area (tubes, things on them) as they need to evacuate their heat.
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Fuses & fuse holders Product Page.

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