
benpeu avatar image
benpeu asked

Ruuvi Tag - how long goes your Ruuvi-Batt ?

Hello, everyone - I had some Ruuvi Tags on my Raspi 3b+ but i must very often change the CR 2477 Cell - at least 03.07.23 and today again 24.09.23 - that is very short Time :-(
Did anyone the same issues ? Is there a solution avaible ?

Hallo Zusammen - Ich habe die Ruuvi Tags (tempertaursensoren) und muss sehr oft die Knopfzellen tauschen - hat jemand das selbe Problem bzw. gibt es Lösungen ?!



ruuvi sensors
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4 Answers
johnny-brusevold avatar image
johnny-brusevold answered ·

I have 11 ruuvi tags running, 6 of them have been in use since January 2022 (21 months) still have an average of 2.7 volts.

Maybe you got hold of a bad battery?

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nesswill avatar image
nesswill answered ·

agree with @Johnny Brusevold

I have 14 and oldest is 6 months so not too long, is there anything that can interfere with connection (wall, building, trees) or is there a long distance between the ruuvi and BT?

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Duncan Hall avatar image
Duncan Hall answered ·

I purchased 3 in June 2022 and all 3 are working with healthy voltages

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benpeu avatar image
benpeu answered ·

Thanks for your Response - So i must have Bad PAck of Batteries.... - i will try to take another charge....

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