
bonsys avatar image
bonsys asked

Should MultiPlus temp compensate in Absorption mode?

MultiPlus-II (firmware version v506) with the charge profile configured in AGM mode with -18mV temp compensation does not increase absorption voltage to compensate for the battery temperature at 14 degrees. Why?

14.7V + (-0.18V x (14C - 25C)) = 14.7V + (-0.18V x (-11C)) = 14.7V + 1.98V = 16.68V

I am not observing expected 16.7V at all. Instead the MultiPlus-II is hovering around predefined 14.7V without temp compensating.

In which mode temp compensation should be applied: bulk, absorption, float?


Multiplus-IIAGM Batterytemperature compensation
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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

Your maths is wrong, the effect is much smaller than you have calculated.

14.7V + (-0.018V x (14C - 25C)) = 14.7V + (-0.018V x (-11C)) = 14.7V + 0.198V = 14.898V == 14.9V.

18mV is 0.018V. You calculated using 180mV.

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