
pierresmits avatar image
pierresmits asked

Temperature sensor

Recently I purchased a Multiplus to add to my little boat installation. This came with a temperature sensor (ASS000001000). As the installation already has a SmartShunt in play, could I use the temperature sensor to connect to SmartShunt? Or must I use the sensor for the BMV (ASS000100000)?

What are the technical differences?

Best regards,

Temperature Sensor
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2 Answers
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

They are not compatible. The one with the Multiplus is a standalone temperature sensor that is electrically isolated. The one for the BMV is electrically conductive as it provides both the 12V positive voltage signal and supply to the shunt and the temperature.

As an aside, if you have a Cerbo or Ekrano the one from the Multiplus can be used on this.

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pierresmits avatar image
pierresmits answered ·

Thanks Mr. Farnell,

For now I stick with battery temp monitoring via the Multiplus instead of via the Cerbo, as it is closer to the battery.

Best regards,

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Related Resources

Victron temperature sensor disambiguation table - which product supports which sensor