
dexmot74 avatar image
dexmot74 asked

MultiPlus II 3000va & BMV712 & MPPT 100/30 and VE Smart Networking

I have the following Victron Devices on my boat with a 4 battery bank of lifelines.

MultiPlus II 3000va w/ VE Smart Dongle
MPPT 100/30
BMV 712 w/ Temperature Sensor

All 3 devices have VE Smart Networking Enabled

1. The MultiPlus and BMV both have temperature sensors, which takes priority?

2. Do the MultiPlus "Battery Monitor" need to be enabled or does the BMV take care of that?


VE.Smart Network
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1 Answer
Torstein Kvamme avatar image
Torstein Kvamme answered ·

1 multi temp helps the multi to shut of if battery temp is to high. Bmv temp vill give you an alarm if temp is to high. You can monunt the sensors on different places.

2 no need for multi battery monitor as you got BMV. If your running only multi and all loads thru multis (no dc output) you can use only multi battery monitor

Have a nice day

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Related Resources

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

VE.Smart Networking Manual