
jeff-holbrook avatar image
jeff-holbrook asked

VE.bus error 24 backfeed protection enabled. Multiplus II 48vdc

New install, 48vdc Multiplus II 48vdc/3000kw. I seem to get this error frequently when turning things/breakers on. Any idea how to troubleshoot this?

multiplus ve.bus
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·
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usernamepasswordbs avatar image
usernamepasswordbs answered ·

20231111-154903.jpgI have error 24 after a power cut and I have been through the list of probable causes.

1. External current sensor is ticked in V.E.config, so not that,

2. Firmware is a recent version, so not that,

3. There is a large load connected but less than transfer switch capacity (load is 32A max) and as can be seen from the drawing, shouldn't be supplied through the MPII although this seems like it still could be a possible cause. What do you think?

Can anyone tell me how to reconfigure the wiring or the MPII so that this is not a problem.

There was an incident where someone woke in the middle of the night to find all power out and their CPAP machine had stopped. The grid had actually reinstated itself but all electricity to house loads was blocked due to this error so we would like to find a solution if possible.


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