
buddhafragt avatar image
buddhafragt asked

possible to use Relay 5 and 6 in Node-Red?


is it possible to use Relay 5 and 6 in Node-Red Venus/Raspi 2.9.4 ? I see only relays 1-4......

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Moved to modifications space. Please ask RPi and Node-Red questions there. Thanks.
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mike-donahue avatar image mike-donahue commented ·
Same question here! I can't find anything online for this. I'm running venus 3.12 with 6 relays that work as they should in Venus but in NodeRed only the first 4 show up.
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derrick thomas avatar image derrick thomas mike-donahue commented ·
Have you added relays 5 and 6 to the services json?

/data/rgpio/conf/services.json /usr/lib/node_modules/@victronenergy/node-red-contrib-victron/src/services/services.json

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