
greb avatar image
greb asked

EV charger taking from battery ESS

It seems that my EVCS is not optimising its power required to keep the battery charging to a minimum.

My EVCS is now starting to charge the EV from 40% battery, then charges nearly fullpower and is using the battery with 1200W or so. This stops when the battery falls below 40%, the battery is then charged again to 40% and it starts over.

Possible solution...

I could limit the max power to kind if solve this issue.

Ideal solution

An optimal regulation that would start charging the EV from set % (40 in my case) and not use the ESS battery, then when the EV is full continue with the battery. This would keep the battery and inverter losses to a minimum.

Most likely solution

Me just having a setting wrong..

My system:

  • 3 fase 48v5000 MPII With external AC sensors on Grid
  • Cerbo-GX
  • 2 AC PV inverters
  • 8Kwh battery
  • 2 EVCS
  • ESS with grindsetpoint -3000 (poor grid connection)

  • schermafbeelding-2023-09-07-om-122143.pngschermafbeelding-2023-09-07-om-122156.png

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerESSevcs
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greb avatar image greb commented ·


EVCS settings

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4 Answers
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

Hi @Greb

What happens if you drop the grid setpoint? I imagine that's the part that might be causing the issue. Rather than it being the EV that's the cause it's the grid setpoint.

I'm guessing here but I imagine the "auto mode" calculation is doing

PV - loads = Excess PV which is what to set the car charging at.

Given you've got more excess power than car can take it exports the rest. However the victron system then factors in grid setpoint which is higher than excess after car so it takes from battery to meet the negative grid setpoint rather than to meet the car demands.

It's almost like you'd want grid setpoint included in the calculation rather than after the calculation.

PV - loads - grid setpoint = excess power to put to car. Which I'm guessing isn't how the internal calcs are running.

I'm guessing here so happy for someone to confirm/deny my guesses.

EDIT: My guess i based on your settings looking what I'd expect them to look like and my similar setup not behaving like yours. The only difference i could spot was the negative grid setpoint.

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greb avatar image
greb answered ·

I also thought the high negative setpoint might be the issue. What I do not understand is if the calculation is done with a 0 grid setpoint internally why the EVCS current isn't set at 32A (was continues at 28A ). With the setpoint at 0 I expect the EVCS current at 32A at its maximum.

I'll be out for an ice cream (EV is full) and see what it will do with a 0 grid setpoint a little longer.

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greb avatar image
greb answered ·

BTW: Would love to keep the grid setpoint, but this should be controlled with less/(more) charging power.

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matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

Hmm yeh good point, not sure why it didn't go to 32amp. Nothing on the car side limiting it to 28 is there?

I'm only guessing with the negative grid setpoint I could be way off. Just seems to follow the pattern assuming the 28amps isn't linked to it somehow. Easy to test I imagine just see what changes with 0 setpoint.

Let me know what happens post Ice-Cream, Im curious!

Node red might be your solution if my guess is right and there's isnt another solution. Have something like:

Pseudo code:

excess_power = PV - loads

if (EV in automatic mode && charge plugged in && excess_power < gridSetPoint){

set gridSetPoint= max(0,min(3000, gridSetPoint- (gridSetPoint- excess_power)))


//so adjust grid setpoint to be reduced if not enough excess power once the car is on. but making sure it doesnt get set above 3000 or below 0.

Have to double check my logic here, particularly in the turning on/off of the car charging to make sure I've not missed a scenario

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