
Thomas avatar image
Thomas asked

Led ind. Lights black Multiplus Ii

Bought two Multiplus II 48/5000/70 One of them does not show any ledlights, panel is black, but the inverter seems to work, 234V/50Hz I can not find if there is any input to make the led lights to light up in the manual. Did I miss something?20230906-144834.jpg

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3 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Maybe the ribbon cable to the LED PCB is loose. Open the cover and check that.

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Thomas avatar image Thomas commented ·


Thomas answered · 3 secs ago

You were right, the cable shoe to the led light had come loose inside the inverter. It works OK now thanks!

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Thomas avatar image
Thomas answered ·

I will check, thanks!

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Thomas avatar image
Thomas answered ·

You were right, the cable shoe to the led light had come loose inside the inverter. It works OK now thanks!

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Hans Dahlgren avatar image Hans Dahlgren commented ·
Had the same problem - same solution

Thanks for posting!

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