
rossmuller1 avatar image
rossmuller1 asked

Is there a way to display Schneider MPPT, Outback MPPT and Morningstar MPPT data on VRM?

I have a client who has an Outback system with 2 x 3kVA Inverters and 1 x 60A Outback, 1 x 60A Schneider and a 45A Morningstar. I want to take out the 2 outback inverters and give him a 10kVA Quattro with Colour Control and BMV. How would i be able to monitor the charge controllers on VRM? Or is it even possible?

MPPT Controllerscommunication protocol
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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

A BMV would provide a 'net' reading of the non-Victron solar charge controllers.

That is the loads would be subtracted first (and be invisible as a charge supply), but the 'surplus' that makes it into the battery would be counted as long as "Has DC system" is enabled on the GX device.

More detailed, specific and accurate information is limited to Victron equipment. It may come one day that there is a way to use a BMV to isolate and display an individual DC charge source for this purpose, but for now it is not possible.

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rossmuller1 avatar image rossmuller1 commented ·

Thank you Guy! I would prefer to change everything but let's see what happens.

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irwinr avatar image irwinr commented ·
Has there been any change here? Many of these other MPPT controllers can communicate over canbus, which Venus GX devices support. Or the ability to attach a shunt directly to the output of the MPPT to track power production.
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Related Resources

MPPT Product Page

MPPT Error codes

MPPT 150/60 up to 250/70 Manual

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic