
saskak avatar image
saskak asked

USB extension hub hat for Raspberry PI3B+ working with

Hi All,

Not so much of a question, but I have seen quite a few threads of people asking for a decent USB extension for the PI.

I already have 2 MPPTs, 2 smart shunts and a Phoenix inverter all connected via to my PI3B+. The PI3B+ has only 4 USB ports, so I was in the lookout for an extension that would work with my PI3B+ and the victron gear. I bought a Waveshare 4 Port USB HUB hat ( and works perfectly well with my victron It slots on the PI3B+ or zero and I think all the rest, so no need for separate power as well. Works flawlessly with my 5 victron devices. Problem is that one needs to sacrify one USB port on the PI3B+ to connect the hat and the bottom USB plug on the hat is so tight to the 4 ports of the PI3 that is almost unusable. Still, if you are like me with a few devices with to the PI3, that works and it is relatively cheap. So, overall for ~ÂŁ15 for the addition of 4 USB ports, but sacrificing one on the PI3B+ and one is kind of unusable on the hat, you gain 2 additional USB ports that work very well with the victron I think some of these other Waveshare usb extension hub hats have an externally powered USB extension hat that probably would work even better, but needs an external 5V power.

Just wanted to share that in case someone is on the lookout like me for something relatively cheap for the PI3B+. I'm not a seller for any of these, but it just worked for me, no drivers nothing. Edit, forgot to add a photowaveshare-hat-usb-extension.jpg

Raspberry PiVE.Direct
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1 Answer
nebulight avatar image
nebulight answered ·

Another option I came across is this: You can get it with JST connectors so you don't have to use USB -> cables. You should just be able to use normal cables (they sell aftermarket ones too). I haven't purchased as I no longer have a pi and now use a Cerbo. It's not a HAT but a nice addition to easily add to a pi without the USB adapter cables.

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