
leab-ag avatar image
leab-ag asked

CCGX goes in the Bluemode

The CCGX goes into boot mode all the time. New we have released version 2.18. Nevertheless the CCGX always goes into BlueMode with the VictronEnergy logo. The CCGX runs normally for about 2h, then goes back to BlueMode.

We try to load the new version 2.31 with autoupdate, but it is not possible to load it. We try now with the SD KArte, but also this is not possible. Whenever the CCGX is restarted, it is still V2.18.

What can we do?

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CCGX Color Control
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1 Answer
Martijn Coster (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Martijn Coster (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

@LEAB AG If installing the firmware again does not solve the problem you should have the unit repaced. Contact your dealer for this.

Best regards
Martijn Coster - Victron Energy

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