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tverweij asked

SmartSolar Firmware 3.14 does not compensate for temperature

I just upgraded to 3.14 (SmartSolar 250/100). And after the upgrade, it started to do an absorption.

At this moment, it is 32 degrees celcius - just before the update (on 3.13), it was doing the absorption on 58.5 V, which is correct as I has set the absorption voltage to 59.2V and a temperature correction of -96 mV/C (59.2 - 7 x .096 = 58.5).

After the upgrade, it continued the absorption at 59.2V - the value I set for 25 degrees celcius, 0.7V too high for the current temperature.

So, it looks like the temperature correction is broken in this version.

firmware updatetemperature compensation
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Hi @tverweij

So after a few days, is this still not working?

Can you perhaps add some screen shots of VictronConnect of the main SmartSolar page and of the settings of the SmartSolar?

And do you also have the SmartSolar in a VE.Smart network with other products?

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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tverweij avatar image tverweij Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) ♦ commented ·

I don't know if it works at this moment, as I disabled the complete temperature compensation after it failed. I can not depend on something not working as the batteries are too expensive for that, So I calculated the min and max voltages for 25 degrees and 35 degrees, and within this temperature range the min value for 25 is the same as the max value for 35, and as this is the normal temperature range where I live (Dutch Caribbean), I solved it by fixing it voltage on that value.

The topic was just to inform you that it did not work anymore - immediately after the upgrade.


For the settings: They worked for 4 years ....
I don;t use the VE-Network, only the Bluetooth with a BVM.

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1 Answer
Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) avatar image
Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) answered ·

Hi @tverweij

Normally, an MPPT takes a temperature reading of the internal sensor at the start of a charge cycle and uses that for the temperature compensation (when an MPPT does not receive a temperature from some other device). What could have happened here is that the internal temperature reading was not in a valid range because the MPPT was still quite hot from the charge cycle right before the update and thus discarded the temperature reading. It would then use the set voltages like it was 25 degrees.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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