
obsidian avatar image
obsidian asked

Cerbo GX Template Based Config

We are in the process of programming dozens of Cerbo GX units for a project. Is anyone aware of a simple template based method to download from one fully programmed Cerbo GX to others that have yet to be programmed?

cerbo gx
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3 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Obsidian,

Backup and restore of a GX device is a pending feature request -

There was an issue with the implementation and it has not yet been resolved - you can see the situation, but please keep all discussion about it here in the community and not in the GitHub -

The setting and controls of the GX are getting overhauled for several significant improvements. I expect that once those major code changes are done, then implementing this feature within that new framework will be much easier, faster and more reliable.

Operating system and firmware level development can be a very labyrinthine path. All Victron can promise is a continuous development effort.

As mentioned by @matt1309 above, it's all open source code so there are end-user developed work arounds if you can't wait for the official solution.

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matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

If it was running on raspberry pi's I would say you could setup one, then clone SD card. To run on multiple pis.

I suppose you could follow similar process. SSH into a setup Cerbo GX and then just download/send that data to another cerbo GX. I wouldn't be confident in pointing you to all the correct files to transfer over though.

You may have some more luck getting responses moving the query like this to modifications

EDIT: I stumbled upon this thread

Might be useful. ie setup one gx device as you want it then make a shell script to download /data and other folders and run on each of the other gx devices to align their configs.

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obsidian avatar image
obsidian answered ·

Thank you both for your feedback, links and ideas. My team is going to run some testing using these details and I'll circle back and let everyone know how things went.

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