
jakes7196 avatar image
jakes7196 asked

Change MP II setting based on geofence

How nice it would be if the MP II could adjust the current limit setting based on geofence location. Basically, when I'm home, switch it to 10A otherwise leave it at 30A.

Is it possible to make this happen?

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1 Answer
Mr.Orange avatar image
Mr.Orange answered ·

Yes, you could do this using Node-Red. Node-Red allows changing Shore limit of the system biased on various conditions. You would need to connect a GPS to the Cerbo to use the GPS information in Node-Red.

I would recommend looking at the Node-Red guide and example flows.

Venus OS Large image: Signal K and Node-RED [Victron Energy]

Example Flows · victronenergy/node-red-contrib-victron Wiki · GitHub

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