
cory-eaves avatar image
cory-eaves asked

Control C-Zone from Cerbo?

I have a Cerbo connected to both an ethernet network and the large NMEA 2000 network on my boat. There are several C-Zone modules to control lights, appliances, etc.

Is there a way to use the Cerbo, ideally remotely, to control these devices? I can see the devices when I go to Settings>Services>VE.Can>Devices, but I don't think the Cerbo knows how to interact with them (read and write their specific PGNs 127501 and 127502).

cerbo gx
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2 Answers
jeremyb avatar image
jeremyb answered ·

With OS Large on the Cerbo you can do this using the NMEA 2000 Switching plugin in Signal K.

I use node red to build an http PUT that gets sent to the Signal K server which turns it into a NMEA 2000 PGN. With thanks to Scott Bender.

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dbowerman avatar image dbowerman commented ·
Hey Jeremy, do you have any more info on your solution? I need to integrate a czone system into and existing node-red based motorhome automation system. I'd love to be able to grab solar / battery charge info from the Czone via signalk into nodered. Any pointers would be appreciated :)
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cory-eaves avatar image
cory-eaves answered ·

Thanks, I'll check that out. Looks complicated...

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