
rogiesquadron avatar image
rogiesquadron asked

EV charger feature/design request

Hello Victron,

I just got your EV charging station and I must say, I am more than disappointed by this product. Especially compared to the other products (I have a 3 phase ESS with solar charging, so lots of blue boxes in the basement).

Here‘s the list of my issues:

1.) I am missing the feature described in the manual:

  1. Start charging at backup battery SoC(%): The minimum backup battery SoC required to start charging in Auto mode.

auto mode only starts, when the house batteries are completely full and exceeding energy is transferred to the grid. This is completely unusable in Winter!

2.) The manual charging mode can‘t be started from within NodeRed.

I thought, okay, I configure it myself via NodeRed and simply set the EV charger to manual mode, once the house-batteries have reached a certain level. Not possible, as you can only set the charging mode via NodeRed, but charging won‘t Start until you give the start command. This command is not accessible via NodeRed. I have to go To the device‘s website to start the charging process.

3.) You are double counting the AC-power in VRM. Loading power is shown in the EV-charger and also counted in the AC-total-load. I know there a couple of questions here regarding this And you argue, EV-charging-power is actually AC-total-load. True, but please keep in mind there a couple of use cases, where this does not make sense.

E.g. If you want to calculate your household consumption without actually manageable EV-charging energy in order to determine when grid loading of house batteries makes sense.

this feature should at least be configurable.

Please fix especially the first 2 issues as this way, the wall box is very cumbersome to use.

thanks in advance


ev charging station
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Can you clarify where the use case for point number 3 is? Where the charger is not an AC load.

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1. What firmware version are you running? Maybe that's why settings are missing.

2. you can start/stop the EVCS from NodeRed, I just tested it

3. OK

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