
pangani avatar image
pangani asked

Unable to control Cerbo GX

My Cerbo GX has been working fine until 10 days ago when it stopped communicating with the VRM. I have come on the boat today and noticed that the display on the Touch 50 was blank and unresponsive. I was also unable to connect to the Cerbo via the Victron Connect app. I then powered the Cerbo off and on but still no response from Touch 50. However, I was able to connect to it but not control it in VC app on my iPhone (I connected to the Cerbo’s Wi-Fi but was unable to launch remote connection). I also disconnected the Touch 50 (both HDMI and USB power cables) and reconnected. This resulted in a partial Device List showing on the Touch 50 screen (albeit large faint font but touch unresponsive). I have also tried Remote Control via the VRM which also doesn’t connect. The Cerbo GX is, however, communicating data to the VRM. Any thoughts?

cerbo gx
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Did you try connect to the cerbo hostpot and try the remote console?

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pangani avatar image pangani Alexandra ♦ commented ·
If by ‘hotspot’ you‘re referring to Wi-Fi, yes it connects but then won’t launch remote console. Next step is factory reset, I think.
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ pangani commented ·
I was referring to its own wifi, yes. Not the LAN it might be connected to.

Sounds like a factory reset is in order.

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pangani avatar image pangani Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Thanks Alexandra, yes connects to Cerbo Wi-Fi (not network) but won’t launch remote control. I’ll try a factory reset.
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1 Answer
pangani avatar image
pangani answered ·

The problem with the Cerbo GX was water penetrating into the unit...better for boats and their electronics for water to sit outside not penetrate inside!

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Hope it works once it's dried out.

Thanks for the update.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Yeah, they are only IP20 rated- it is in the datasheet. So part of an install design would be to protect it.

The water or install location would have been an important detail and something to mention in the OG post.
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