
magnusb avatar image
magnusb asked

Easee Wallbox integration into Venus OS

Hi all,

did anyone attempt (or succeed) in integrating an easee wallbox as a custom ev charger into Venus OS via dbus?

I was not able to finde something, but might have missed the correct search teams so far.

Even snippets of initial starts or any links to such would be appreaciated. want to avoid working something up that has been done already by someone else.



Venus OSModbus TCPev charging station
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I can help you to integrate a Victron EV Charging station :)
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osullivan avatar image osullivan Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
Hey, it would be great to share this info to everyone. This would be very useful.
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1 Answer
matthiask avatar image
matthiask answered ·

I just found this: which refers to
It's not a direct integration of Easee into Venus but I thought it might be interesting as it basically allows showing any Wallbox (that is supported in evcc) in VRM as a connected EV charging station.

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