
jfro avatar image
jfro asked

How can I configure my MultiPlus without an MK3-USB adapter?

I'm in a jam and need to get my Multiplus charging my new lithium batteries ASAP. Solar panels not installed yet. Just got everything tested and working and connected batteries only to find out dealer did not inude the MK2-USB cable. I thought I could setup Multiplus va Color GX Controller / monitor or through the wifi dongle they sold me. Appears I can't, I have a USB to ethernet adapter my laptop. Is there anyway to hack or get this to work without the MK-2 USB cable. Need to get this going tonight (eastern U.S. time zone.) Thanks in advance.... MY main issue is to set the charging paramaters till I receive the cable which can't come soon enough. I also have some Raspberry PI 3 and 3+ if that will help.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerHelp
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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Yes, it is possible using Remote VEConfigure.

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jfro avatar image jfro commented ·

Thank you.

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vanlifer007 avatar image vanlifer007 jfro commented ·

This is a bit late, but did you manage to get it to work with USB to ethernet or a MK3-USB is necessary?

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager)

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ vanlifer007 commented ·


The MK3 interface isn't a USB to ethernet adapter.
On the RJ45 you have the VE.Bus a special Victron protocol.

So you need a MK2, MK3 or a GX device (for Remote VE.Config).

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pim avatar image pim Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

Matthias: I have a Multiplus for years (never updated) and recently bought a Cerbo. Can I update the Multiplus via:

Iphone with Victron Connect > bluetoothconnectionto Cerbo > Cerbo connected to Multiplus via VE.bus?

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seb71 avatar image seb71 pim commented ·

You need the interface for firmware updates.

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