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digitaldvd asked

Raspberry pi zero 2w with gpio lcd display

Has anyone managed to get a 2.4/2.8 display up and running on pi zero 2w if so can you pass any info i have managed to get the screen to change from bright to dark when booting up but no display have tried headless on and off but no menu display.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


Do we assume you are running venus os on this Pi? What version are you trying?

Not sure it supports GPIO displays it was designed for HDMI.

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2 Answers
digitaldvd avatar image
digitaldvd answered ·


I have version three and it is running ok in the past i have run venus os on a raspri 3 and 4 and had the display work running hdmi and gpio the only issue i had then was screen blanking , im not so concerned with screen blanking just would like to get the display to work,i have run some other software and managed to get the screen to work,so i had the correct driver.Any further suggestion Thanks

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digitaldvd avatar image
digitaldvd answered ·

After looking at another article have fixed the issue.i changed the cmdline file which got the display running.

replacement dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 echo fbcon=map:10 >> console=tty1 consoleblank=300

original dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=serial0,115200

and a big thanks to Wildmustango for his input if all else fails read read again :)

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