
ryan-palmer avatar image
ryan-palmer asked

Venus OS remote console LAN setting

Iā€™ve got Venus 3.00 running on a rpi 2. Everything runs great, especially using Victronconnect to access device parameters and viewing real-time data on VRM.

However the remote console is intermittent, often ā€œenabled but offlineā€, and then for no reason it comes online sporadically. I read maybe disabling remote console on LAN could help, so Iā€™m trying that.

One issue with this however is that I can disable it this setting in remote console, and it gets disabled per the device menu in VRM, but as soon as the device is rebooted, itā€™s re-enabled the next time it comes online. This was confusing at first because the remote console settings say to perform a manual reboot after changing any of the settings, but when I did that it was re-enabled when it restarted.

Is this a bug that automatically re-enables it after a reboot?



Venus OS
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