
Nicholas Herbst avatar image
Nicholas Herbst asked

VE.Bus Error 11 - Failing Step 1

What does failing Step 1 indicate in VE.BUS Error 11 faults?

We’ve experienced a number of these specifically on the Victron Quattro-II 48/5000 Inverter/Chargers here in South Africa.

Firmware version: v505

Fault occurs exactly at the transition to Inverter power when the Utility AC power fails (Grid failure).

No Neutral-Earth potential (voltage) measured when we’ve performed as-hoc inspections, but perhaps something happening in the transient of grid failure.

Multiplus-IIvebuserror 11
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3 Answers
janieronen avatar image
janieronen answered ·

See attached documentation.

For more clear error code please take screenshot from remote console:

Report is available in the GX device menu, under MultiPlus → Alarm Status → VE.Bus Error 11 report.

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Nicholas Herbst avatar image Nicholas Herbst commented ·

Here's an example of the Error 11 report from our system that includes 3 x Quattro-II 5kVA Inverters in parallel:


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1692359963549.png (14.0 KiB)
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Error 11 is a input relay test failure. Step 1 is the last step (system counts backwards).

Does this happen all the time or occasionally?

Most commonly if the basic checks have been done as per the error code doc and the hardware test document, it is most likely a faulty/intermittent relay.

I had one go on a 5k MP2, that started with intermittent failure, but at grid recovery, and eventually failed outright where it would not accept grid at all.

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Nicholas Herbst avatar image Nicholas Herbst commented ·
It occurs occasionally, with a period that ranges from daily to monthly (depending on the site) - so incredibly irregular.
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Nicholas Herbst avatar image
Nicholas Herbst answered ·

We now have four (4) sites that have manifested frequent Error 11 faults.
3 of them had a single phase parallel setup (10kVA), and the one site had a standalone single 5kVA Quattro-II

All Failing Step 1.

All firmware updated to v506.

We have recently installed a Victron anti-islanding box in front of one of the systems, to try and mitigate any latent or transient voltage on the Input, but this has not been successful - Error 11 (failing step 1) still occurs.

Only resolution that we have found has been to replace the inverters with Quattro generation 1 inverters.

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