
tomio avatar image
tomio asked

Multiplus 2-3000 and LynxShunt voltage discrepancy

img-0920.jpegHello, I have a MultiPlus2 x 3000 - 24V system with 400Ah of storage. I also have the LynxShuntand Distributor. I have both the Absorption and Float voltage set at 29.20 on the Multi and the Smart Solar MPPT 250/60 charger. As for the Lynx Shunt Settings, I have the Charged voltage set at 28.8V.

The CerboGX touch screen displays 29.0v when its full charge, and it will not go up to 29.2v. But when I go to the MultiPlusmenu, its displaying 29.2.

Why is there a discrepancy between the Multi and the LynxShunt? Which one is accurate?

Please see the attached pictures.


Multiplus-IIlynx shunt
img-0920.jpeg (2.8 MiB)
img-0919.jpeg (2.2 MiB)
2 |3000

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


It depends on what you determine as accurate.

Since the lynx is closer to the batteries it would read closer to the battery voltage.

You get volt drop over cabling due to resistance as well. So also a likely cause of the volt reading difference at the inverter terminals. Have you set the lynx as the battery monitor for the system in system setup? If so, then don't stress that is the one the system is using.

It is also not as unusual as you might think to have slight differences in voltage readings between devices, even Digital Multimeters

2 |3000

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