
janvi avatar image
janvi asked

Cerbo GX Mouse Cursor

Have the same problem here using a Microsoft compatible USB HID mouse. After plug in, the mouse enumerates and works. The disappearing of cursor is caused by my touch screen. If no touch is connected, mouse cursor is ok forever. For a W10 system, the behaviour is same. Cursur disappears when using the touch screen, but cursor comes back automatically if you move the mouse again. Venus OS 3.0 needs new enumeration (plug out/in cycle) of mouse to display the cursor again.

All my /lib/udev/rules.d are unchanged and like provided by Venus OS 3.0.

Anyhow my touch is a Verbatim PMT17 connected by HDMI for video and USBC->USBA for touch. The capacitive touch also enumerates as Microsoft HID mouse but only works briefly with strong position displacement on Venus. I dont know the resolution of the Victron screens but Venus starts up with 1920x1080@60 Hz in my case.

Assume all, Microsoft HID devices should work without problems as it is for W10/11 (and should be for Android). The USB touch does not enumerate at all when the Cerbo is in /etc/venus/headless mode to invoke ts_calibrate from SSH terminal.

Any idea from the Linux specialists on how to go on ?

cerbo gxVenus OSssh
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

moved to modifications section.

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