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nuxland asked

EV Charger 3-phase auto start threshold?

Can I configure somewhere what is the minimum required Solar power to start charging in Auto mode?
Right now it seems that it is hardwired somewhere to 3kw. But in my 3-phase system lowest I can charge is 6A and it is around 4,7kw total then.

And in the morning it automatically switches on then off and then again on and so one because it sees more that 3kw of sun, but if it switches on EV Charger then remaining power will come from batteries and then it switches EV Charger off again :(

Added is image when it was charging and then next minute not charging (house load remained the same in the same time and also PV input power)


ev charging station
evcharger.jpg (206.9 KiB)
2 |3000

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