
carlosg avatar image
carlosg asked

Which Multiplus for ESS in parallel grid with microinverter


I have a house in Germany where solar panels are allowed in the balcony up to 600-800Watt with very easy installations. I just got 2x400Wp panels with microinverters to be just plugged to a socket in the balcony.

The question is what is the easiest installation I need to add batteries to the system. From the presentation material I found that what is needed a Multiplus connected to the batteries and a meter. I understand the Hoymiles is OK.

I have a 12V 100VA battery from a camper. Which is the first and easier installation? Is the Multiplus 500 or 800 enough (I understand the requirements is to have VE.bus to connect to the meter).

Can I connect the Hoymiles in AC coupling even if it does not support frequency shifting? Can the Multiplus just shut down if the public grid is off in case of frequency shifting not supported by the inverter?




multiplus ve.bus
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

What are you hoping to achieve here? or what are your goals for this system?

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carlosg avatar image carlosg Alexandra ♦ commented ·
I am starting with solar energy and I want to have an idea of the effort/investment needed to use the excedents of the solar panels instead of just injecting it to the grid

With the current subventions the investment of the panels plus inverter is quickly recovered. I have the gel battery from the camper and want to now the set up needed to use it.

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3 Answers
Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

A MultiPlus-II 48/1200 would be more suitable and if you connect the Micro Inverters to the AC OUT of the MultiPlus-II, you can configure the MultiPlus-II to "no feed in" and yo do not need an energy meter.

The MultiPlus-II 48/1200 is tough enough to power a Fridge, PC, light and what else.

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carlosg avatar image carlosg commented ·
can I connect any micro inverter to the AC OUT of the multiplus II ? Does it need to support frequency shifting ? what happens if it does not support it? The Multiplus shuts down in case of public grid downtime or there is extra trouble?
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carlosg avatar image
carlosg answered ·

Yes, this is the main presentation as well, but then I understand that I need to connect the input of the multiplus to the grid direct input to the house and all the loads of the house to the output of the multiplus, otherwise I do not see the way for the Multiplus to know when to charge or discharge the battery. Is this correct?

I do not see a Multiplus-II 48/1200. The first one is the 3000 and I need to charge the gel battery with 12V, not 48


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carlosg avatar image
carlosg answered ·

In summary my question is if the setup below would work with a Multiplus 800 (12V for the battery charging), a MK3-USB dongle and which meter I would need.

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