
grzegorz-gierszewski avatar image
grzegorz-gierszewski asked

Failing Step 1 Error 11: Relay test fault

I have a problem with a 3-phase Quattro II 5 kVA installation. It worked fine for 6 months and now it has FAULT status and shows FAILING STEP 1 error. Factory reset and disconnecting the whole system from AC IN and AC OUT doesn't help. Please help me solve the problem.


error 11
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3 Answers
John Stiekema avatar image
John Stiekema answered ·

We discovered an unused cable connected to a neutral bar that had N shorted to earth (its corresponding L being wired to a MCB labelled "unknown"). Thus a parallel N-PE path was created, causing higher L than N current (obviously with the balance of L current returning via earth somewhere) which the Quattro rightly complained about.
Changing grid code to "Other" from Grid Code compliant NRS 097-2-1 made no difference, the equipment remained sensitive to this fault.
It is interesting that the faulty earth current was shared about 3:1 between the Quattros (causing one Quattro to throw more than 10x the quantity of Error 11 events than the other) even though the sharing of load between machines with the fault cleared, is within 10%.

So yes, I can vouch for the importance of checking N-PE leakage for circuits connected to Quattro-II, and I presume also Multiplus-II (by clamping ac mA meter around L&N in and out)

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Yup and that would have taken some digging and time.

Glad you found it.

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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Grzegorz Gierszewski

Did you update firmware?

Do you hear the relays click?

The full test/ troubleshooting procedure is here.

Particularly check between neutral earth on both sides. If there is any voltage there, you will get issues.

There are two reasons for the error, one is usually wiring (appliance or grid supply related) so not much anyone can do here on the forum. We once found a dodgy washing machine caused an error 11.

The second which is less likely unless there is an even you are not aware of, is a faulty unit.

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John Stiekema avatar image John Stiekema commented ·


I'm getting the same, running v.505 on 2x Quattro 48/5000/70-50 230V with Fronius Primo 8.2-1-M on the output. Slave has thrown the error more than the master. Now upgraded fw to v.506 - who knows if that will solve the problem?

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

This will typically be a hardware fault needing a repair.

You can reconfigure temporarily without that phase and the rest should come up fine again.

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