
risphil avatar image
risphil asked

Muliplus 2 5000/48 wont res

System: Multiplus 2, US3000, Cerbo.

Events: Al working except for inverter fan would occasionally stay running even when inverter is cold and running at only 30W output. Logged in to system via Remote Console to see if any error logs. Found inverter needed update manually to Mk3. Pressed Manual Update button - it attempted to reboot, but only shut down, it wont restart.

Investigation: Accessing system via Cerbo, the inverter is no longer present in the device listing.

Current Status: Inverter now seems to be bricked - surely mk3 update should not do this to the inverter?

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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


You will need to be on site to troubleshoot this one.

It is likely all that has happened is the inverter needs to be switched off and on. The driver on the GX wont have bricked the inverter.

If not then connect to it directly with an mk3 to usb and adaptor or phone and manually and directly update its firmware.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Just be aware that is will reset it to factory defaults and you will need to reprogram it.
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risphil avatar image risphil commented ·
I have tried turning it off, waiting at least 4 seconds and turning it back on. Turning it on produces nothing - no lights not ever a flicker.

I have also tried connecting via USB adaptor (mk3) but the inverter is not detected.

Checked 48v supply, all good. Disconnected everything else, nothing on AC out or AC in.

Seems completely dead

Will try another laptop to access it, will also try connecting USB adaptor to known working Multiplus, just to verify adaptor has not failed on my at exactly same moment. I will eliminate as many unknowns as possible

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ risphil commented ·

Did you try switch it on not connected to the GX just as stand alone?

If there are no lights then and the battery is not discharged, then there is a problem.

I am assuming you have checked all your wiring and have tried isolated or with nothing connected except battery.

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Try run veflash and see if it will let you flash it again. This will wipe the config.

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risphil avatar image risphil commented ·
Hi Nickdb

Good idea, I will give this a try, it should be possible to access it somehow. Nothing can be physically damaged, it just went into an update, thats all

I will try and report back

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