
christoph-531 avatar image
christoph-531 asked

How to use Cerbo GX relay as switch for e.g. electric heater?

Hello Team!

I want to use the Cerbo GX to switch an electric heater, when there is PV power left (surplus-feed-in). Is there a way for doing this? To my opinion the Cerbo "knows" the power flow every second. If I would write a program I would define 2 limits:

* define heater power as 1 kW

* relay on if surplus-feed-in is >1.1 kW

* relay off if surplus-feed-in is <0.1 kW

Is there such a solution?

Sorry for my english, I'm from Germany.

Thanks to all!




cerbo gx
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matt1309 avatar image matt1309 commented ·
I believe you can do this with VeConfigure assistants but i think they're more limiting. I personally set this up using a shelly smart switch and Node red running on Venus os large.

Essentially using the rules you've defined. If surplus > 1kw turn on shelly smart switch (via http api of the shelly). I add a larger buffer than 0.1kw I use 300w but same thing if <300w turn off shelly smart switch via http api).

I find node red allows for more flexibility than the single relay on cerbo. ie you could have additional loads connected via other shelly smart switches and add logic such as turn on load 1 if > 1kw, turn on another load if still > 1kw etc.

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4 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


None of the relays on the Victron GXs or inverters will switch on using figures for solar production. Your options are load or SOC mostly.

As @matt1309 mentioned node red has more options.

Your feed in would stop anyway when the load switches on, which would then trigger an off condition. Unless you have a whole lot of solar extra. Such as the equivalent of the whole load.

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kai-fuchs avatar image
kai-fuchs answered ·

Hey guys I’m new to all this topics and try to learn.

If I have the system shown up, and I use an cerbo GX with Node red do I still get all the inputs from all the devices connected via direct port? And can control Relais eg of an Mppt?

I assume running the cerbo GX on Node Red disables VRM or is running in parallel?

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derrick thomas avatar image derrick thomas commented ·
Node red is an addon feature to the Venus device. It has no effect on any other functions.
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kai-fuchs avatar image kai-fuchs derrick thomas commented ·
So I could based on my inputs coming per VeDirect trigger relais or e.g trigger a smart switch?
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josecokem avatar image
josecokem answered ·

Search for freeds, is an opensource solution based on a ESP32 that can receive data from victron and others. is in spanish languaje.

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ossi avatar image
ossi answered ·

Hi @christoph-531

Workaround suggested before Shelly is hopefully intergrated not only as a PV or Grid counter but also as a switch:

Enough githubs exist already around this issue, but for different purposes:

vikt0rm/dbus-shelly-1pm-pvinverter: Integrate Shelly 1PM into Victron Energies Venus OS as a pv inverter (

christian1980nrw/Victron-ESS__Shelly-Plug-S__AVM-Fritz-DECT200-210__Spotmarket-Switcher: Shell script that manages Victron Venus OS ESS-Systems and/or Shelly Plug S and/or AVM Fritz!DECT200 and 210 switchable sockets so that it charges/switches, when spot-market prices are low. (


Use Relay1 GenSet Start/stop in GX device with inverted Relay contact to switch on and Off heater according to SOC!

Since the K1 in Multi is only switchable according to BAT voltage and changes need VEConfig it is not practical to use.

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