
Fredrik Häggblad avatar image
Fredrik Häggblad asked

N2K Binary switching support for Venus OS

Hi Community/team.
Would it be possible to add NMEA2000 Binary switching support for Venus OS.

The VRM is a great portal to reach your boat/RV, Home....
I am sure that there are people "out there" that are having Binary Switchable units connected to the same N2K-network as the GX-device. For example the Garmin "Empirbus", among others...

It would be great to be able to have a screen with a set of manual or customizable binary switches, in a similar fascion as the internal relay's.

The binary-SW's could have a config page where you configure the instance ID and switch ID and if it is a momentary/toggle SW and set a label for it.

And finally.
These Binary-SW's could also be used as an "output-relay" to trigger external "stuff" based from current SoC, Level's, temperature, load and so on.

And why not. Since you already have a great Generator start/stop feature in the OS.
Add a few Binary "Recievers" to the OS, to be used as remote switches, control functions like:
Auto Generator on/off, Manual Generator on/off, Inverter on/off, and so on..

I'm sure that installers/system-designers (and me) would love some of these features.



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1 Answer
stepir avatar image
stepir answered ·

I'd like to see this added as well - @Fredrik Häggblad have you explored the idea of doing this with the use of SinglalK ? see this plugin

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