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rg65 asked

Easysolar II GX inverter OFF

More than a year ago I bought a pre-configured new set of Easysolar, 2 LoFo battery packs and 10 panels. Plug and play the installation worked well for a year. It is installed as an island. There is no external power or internet available at that place. Only interfaces I used so far is the GX panel of the Easysolar and the Victron Connect app.
Over night the installation is not working anymore. After switching ON the GX panel shows Status OFF and Hub 1 OFF, thereafter it shows Hub 1 fault and AC disconnected. the following battery status information looks good (99%). Also in the Connect app all looks normal. There I can see the MPPT only since the original installation. Not knowing if there is a way to connect to the inverter part as well (?)

Switching OFF and ON (several times) did not help. Overload at the output is also not the case. I really have no idea how to analyse and hopefully fix it. Thank you for help !!!

The only change I did 2 weeks ago has been a firmware update via the Control app. It still worked fine thereafter.

EasySolar All-in-One
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