
wkirmair avatar image
wkirmair asked

Shelly Pro 3EM as Grid Meter with Venus OS 3.0 and dbus-shelly

Hi folks,

with Venus OS 3.0 it is very easy to add a Shelly Pro 3EM (the updated version of the 3EM, with LAN connector). Simply enter the Cerbo IP in the Shelly Web GUI under „Outbound Websocket“ with port 8000 and it appears in the Cerbo device list with readings for L1 to L3.


The role in the settings is „Grid Meter“ but the overview page still shows the measurements of the MultiPlus

5a191645-6b3a-42a2-bc6f-b75712731e61.jpegAny ideas, how to fix this?

By the way: ESS is regulating to 0W as the sum of all three phases as expected.

I really appreciate your help!

Best regards


Venus OS
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14 Answers
jalle19 avatar image
jalle19 answered ·

For what it's worth, I've added support for the Shelly Pro3EM meter to dbus-modbus-client, see . It updates every second, and everything works as expected (measurements shown on the dashboard too, etc.). Multiple meters are also supported - just configure a new Modbus TCP device and that's it.

Alas, Victron has been reluctant to merge it so far, I think they're looking to deprecate first-party support for third-party meters.

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beat avatar image beat commented ·

Thank you @Jalle19 !

Hi @mvader (Victron Energy) , adding Shelly 3em official support to VenusOS (maybe with a warning message "Warning: Slow updates" when configured as grid meter) would make sense, as it's a very small and inexpensive device with small transformers, but still precise with a not often seen 3-phase voltage+current measurement. It is often the only workable solution on existing installations. And as it's popular it's often already there. Further it would show Victron's openness.

Victron's own energy meter is still much better, and a different league in speed, only equalled by very very few fast meters. But for measuring detailed consumptions, it's an overkill, whereas Shelly 3EM and the lovely Open Energy Monitor open-source meters ( ) make sense (would love to see that one supported too).

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André Jerleke avatar image
André Jerleke answered ·

Hi! I have the exactly same issue, was easy to add it after figuring out that it was just a setting in the Shelly and everything else was already in the new Venus OS 3 , before that i compiled and tested alot of programs from different GitHub places.

So after i got this running i believed the error i got (ac showing 0w) was an error caused by all my trial end errors. But now that I see you have the same issue I'm certain it's a bug/setting issue.

Also trying to get the ESS working with Shelly and hope to get it up and running soon cause right now i can just charge the battery and keep it charged, well i can get ESS to use power from battery to about 98% SOC when I set it to optimal mode but then it recharges but 2 % is not much. So... Asap we have the Shelly Pro 3EM running i hope this fixes this.

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evilputz avatar image
evilputz answered ·

Hi, i also have the same problem (Try to use it as PV Meter) the Data is Displayed correctly in the Device View but its just not showing up.

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claus avatar image
claus answered ·

yes, it's a bug.

don't expect the bug to be fixed in the near future.

I have a similar problem with AC load.

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b-e-r-n-d avatar image b-e-r-n-d commented ·

I also plan to use the Shelly Pro 3EM as PV inverter meter.

Maybe the issues in Venus OS 3.0 can be fixed with overwriting the two files ( + in directory /opt/victronenergy/dbus-shelly with the files from the following github fork:

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André Jerleke avatar image
André Jerleke answered ·

@EvilPutz its not possible to change since the settings aint showingskarmbild-2023-06-07-160049.pngskarmbild-2023-06-07-160056.png

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evilputz avatar image evilputz commented ·
I have the same Problem wit the Pro 1 EM .... the Pro 3 EM Delivers data but wont show up in the Dashboard.
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etamminga avatar image
etamminga answered ·

How fast is the Shelly Pro 3EM updating it's values in Venus OS? Every second, or is it even faster?

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b-e-r-n-d avatar image
b-e-r-n-d answered ·

Some of the issues in Venus OS 3.0 can be fixed with overwriting the file in directory /opt/victronenergy/dbus-shelly with the file from the following github fork:

I have the 3 EM Pro now in use as 3 phase PV inverter and settings were available to change the role.

Value updates seen with dbus-spy come every ~2 seconds it seems -> my old shelly 1PM has updates more frequently (~2-3 times per second) but the ESS works anyways very well as I have the EM540 as gridmeter which updates like ~10 times per second :)

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bi-solarpv avatar image bi-solarpv commented ·

Hi @b_e_r_n_d , thank you for the note regarding the updated file. I installed it and have still same issue that @wkirmair describe. The values at "energy meter" section up-to-date but the dashboard isn't reflect this:


Any additional hints/notes?

Thanks in advance.

Best, Andreas

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b-e-r-n-d avatar image b-e-r-n-d bi-solarpv commented ·

Hi Andreas,

sorry I have no clue why it doesn't show up.

If you have a Shelly Pro3EM you could also use the following as a baseline coding (3em Generation 1) as it provides both possibilities grid meter and pvinverter but only for old gen1 shellys

I can provide you with code snippets to use a pro 3EM (Gen2) which I have made to another script using it as a multiphase "pvinverter" ( which is working smoothly :)


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bi-solarpv avatar image bi-solarpv b-e-r-n-d commented ·

Hi @b_e_r_n_d , thank you for your reply. I initially adapted my PR to Halmand's repo as well as to the repository of dbus-shelly-3em-smartmeter from Fabian.

Now, it works fine. The values in the dashboard are correct and up-to-date.

I'm wondering the original dbus-shelly repo. doesn't update the values for L2 and L3 at "com.victronenergy.system" on the dbus:

Ac/Grid/L1/Current                                     1.997
Ac/Grid/L1/Power                                       -440.1 Ac/Grid/L2/Current                                         0 Ac/Grid/L2/Power                                           0 Ac/Grid/L3/Current                                         0 Ac/Grid/L3/Power 0

only L1 is updated.

The values in the dbus-shelly page itself are correct and updated regularly.

Does anyone know which role plays the newly introduced and released aiovelib in this case?

Best, Andreas

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davo2500 avatar image davo2500 commented ·
I'm still learning how to work with the raspi and venus os. How do I overwrite the file?
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b-e-r-n-d avatar image b-e-r-n-d davo2500 commented ·
you need to connect via ssh to the raspi and edit it with the nano or vi editor or copy it over via SCP (secure copy)
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mrjj avatar image mrjj commented ·

Hi Bernd Would you enlighten a little bit more in details how did you managed to get 3pcs of Shelly up and running within Victron ? I was lucky to get one running but second does not appear and it seems python script and services requires some rethinking. I was using this one: :…/dbus-shelly-pro-3em-smartmeter

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matt1309 avatar image matt1309 mrjj commented ·

Hi @MrJJ

I'm not familiar with the driver in question however have named the scripts differently and updated their config.ini accordingly for ip and deviceid they'll need to be unique

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kudos50 avatar image kudos50 matt1309 commented ·

Same here. I think I responded to the same question elsewhere on the forum a while ago.

<edit> owww it's in this thread :-) pls look down.

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marceldb avatar image
marceldb answered ·

I read all the posts and still have no PV inverter in VRM and the front page. The Shelly is in the list. I saw that it is lacking the VRM instance. Is there a way to add an VRM instance to the Shelly, may be that will let it appear in the VRM device list?

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wicki avatar image
wicki answered ·

Habe dasselbe Problem: Nirgendwo eine VRM-Nr., weder in den Angaben aus der Device-Liste noch in den Details zu Services->Modbus TVP->Available Services.

Hoffentlich wird das in einer der nächsten Firmwares angegangen, damit die Daten auch über VictronConnect sichtbar werden. Oder ist es doch schon jetzt über die Remote Console irgendwie sichtbar zu machen?

Habe neben dieser noch eine andere Frage: Wie bekomme ich den shelly pro 3EM dazu, die Daten noch an einen zweiten Cerbo zu schicken? Im Webserver für den shelly sieht es so aus, als wäre nur ein Eintrag möglich (firmware=1.0.0).

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wicki avatar image wicki commented ·

Just some additional info regarding potential "automatic" issue resolution by installing the current release candidate v3.10-32: this did not fix it out of the box.

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duester avatar image
duester answered ·

Ich habe jetzt eine Lösung gefunden die funktioniert. Den Websocket Eintrag in den Shelly Einstellungen habe ich gelöscht und folgendes Script installiert:




Gruß Duester

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marceldb avatar image marceldb commented ·
That will be great, will test it tomorrow. Your tile shows the power in a negative value. Does it matter whether it is positive or negative?
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tom w avatar image tom w marceldb commented ·
Da scheint etwas nicht richtig zu sein.

Der Multiplus ist aus und die Batterie wird mit 542W entladen. Wie geht das?

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wicki avatar image wicki marceldb commented ·
@marceldb: So have you tested and are you happy?

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marceldb avatar image marceldb wicki commented ·
It works, but when you connect the PV to the AC out, the system does not calculate the AC load right. I had even added PV inverter to the ESS assistent, and I had configured the EM3 config so that it should know that it was connected to ac out. So I put the PV inverters back to AC in and that works
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wicki avatar image wicki commented ·

Hallo duester,

kann es sein, dass der Multiplus bei Dir auf "aus" steht, weil Du einen anderen Inverter als den Multiplus am Start hast?

Sieht bei mir jedenfalls auch so aus, wenn ich einen soyosource verwende, um zu AC zu wandeln von den Victron MPPTs bzw. der Batterie.


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wicki avatar image wicki wicki commented ·

Habe es installiert und bin super happy damit. Vielen Dank!!!


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tomhei avatar image tomhei commented ·
ich habe das Script bei mir installiert bekomme den Shelly allerdings nicht angezeigt. Muss man am Shelly eventuell noch Einstellungen machen damit es funktioniert ?

Gruß Thomas

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kudos50 avatar image
kudos50 answered ·

Did anyone figure out how to connect multiple Pro 3EM meters yet ? Up to till now I have been using and it has been working well for me. It also survived various upgrades without manual intervention which is also great!

I have 2 envoys reporting data for 20 micro's. The way in which the Enphase system reports is fine for hourly consumption calculation in HomeAssistant but it's way too slow to use for Victron's Dynamic ESS even if an integration had existed.
In other words; I need to install 2 more Pro 3EM meters and/or run 2 more funkmaster86 instances or 2 websockets with "replaced" to get grid tied inverter reporting?

Suggestions are most welcome.

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kudos50 avatar image kudos50 commented ·
never mind... like earlier in this thread I cannot get web sockets to work. No matter what config you change it never seems to show up in the VRM. Not even with a correct VRM id.

But using the code from funkmaster86/fabian it's a piece of cake. Just create 3 different directories for the same code and change the individual configs and run files.

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evilputz avatar image evilputz kudos50 commented ·
Hi, what excatly have you modified in the scripts ?
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kudos50 avatar image kudos50 evilputz commented ·

Just unzip the same code as many times as you need in individual directories and set each individual config file:

root@einstein:/data# ls -l dbus-s*


-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5830 Apr 16 2023

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 463 Jan 25 20:32 config.ini

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7274516 Mar 4 20:54 current.log

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12245 Apr 16 2023

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12629 Apr 16 2023

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12245 Apr 16 2023

drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 Apr 16 2023 docs

drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 Apr 16 2023 img

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 775 Apr 16 2023

-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 173 Apr 16 2023

drwxrwxrwx 3 root root 4096 Apr 16 2023 service

-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 300 Apr 16 2023


-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5830 Sep 21 19:01

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 473 Jan 25 20:27 config.ini

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 14310206 Mar 11 10:24 current.log

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12245 Sep 21 19:01

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12629 Sep 21 19:01

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12245 Sep 21 19:01

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Sep 21 19:01 docs

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Sep 21 19:01 img

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 775 Sep 21 19:01

-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 173 Sep 21 19:01

drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Sep 21 19:16 service

-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 300 Sep 21 19:01


-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5830 Sep 21 19:29

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 473 Jan 25 20:27 config.ini

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1226244 Mar 4 21:01 current.log

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12245 Dec 6 08:01

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12629 Sep 21 19:29

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12245 Sep 21 19:29

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Sep 21 19:29 docs

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Sep 21 19:29 img

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 775 Sep 21 19:29

-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 173 Sep 21 19:29

drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Sep 21 19:30 service

-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 300 Sep 21 19:29

And set role, position, customname, deviceinstance (I used 50, 51 and 52 for example) and host ip address.

Put both the 3em and the pro file in the directories and copy or rename the one you need.

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mrjj avatar image mrjj commented ·

I have Multiplus II GX with latest firmware 5xx. Just installed this but it does not anything. I changed my Pro 3EM´s IP address and did not do any other changes. Files are located under /data/dbus-shelly-pro-3em-smartmeter

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glipschitz avatar image
glipschitz answered ·

I have not been able to get the WebSockets to work correctly either :(

Doesn't seem to be much interest from Victron to support 3rd Party Energy Meters.

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·

Interestingly, Victron supports a 3rd party product, namely Carlo Gavazzi and only recently introduced their own product, the VM-3P75CT, which I think serves the majority of applications. ABB also now have GX firmware support. Easy to ask support, but I imagine intellectual property sharing agreements as well as costly testing and ongoing support are just some of the things that any business have to take into account and Victron would be no exception if you ask me.


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Sven Bluege avatar image Sven Bluege ejrossouw commented ·
I'm currently offering an ABB B24 and an EM530 :)

Jokes/Ads aside. With the VM-3C75CT I don't see the need for a third-party-device if:
- you are not forced to use WiFi, then the 3EM is awesome
- you can install a new smart meter

In any other situation, I'm happy to get rid of any DYI solution.. even if it is fun getting them so work as a hobby.

But since I like the Shelly 3EM, I would love to see this device added in the native firmware.

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glipschitz avatar image glipschitz ejrossouw commented ·
The main reason people go down the path of the Shelly product is because it connects to things like Home Assistant with ease. The vendor supplied product is so far behind the times with things like Wifi connectivity. Most still want RS232 / RS485
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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw glipschitz commented ·

I can appreciate, however for me wired connections are still the preferred solution for secure and reliable service. A key driver for my customers has always been energy security and increased grid independance. (read keeps some lights on and the fridges powered) It of course ultimately depends on an individual's requirements. I am also aware that some new builds (where customers have an input) are typically hardwired for internet and control systems as were the energy efficient homes I looked at when I still resided in Melbourne some time ago now. With dynamic ESS, the Victron charging stations and customers controlling excess PV through various mechanisms already to e.g. heat water storage etc. Victron already covers a lot of bases. PS - I still think Victron is more cautiously openminded than generic product manufacturers and why you opted for a Multiplus-II? Otherwise why not go for something that already offers home assitant integration with your Shelly?

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matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

Sorry to dig up old thread. Looking to purchase one of these and would really like the websockets functionality for speed more than anything. Did anyone resolve this or did firmware update fix?

If not I was going to try and order one and edit the websockets driver code if needed. (Ngl couldnt spot any obvious issues in the code unless data format has changed on shelly api side)

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kudos50 avatar image kudos50 commented ·
Honestly I stopped trying. Running 3 in parallel as mentioned earlier in this thread still works for me. Have no issues, have had no issues and have not ever had any issues during upgrades either.
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ennotk avatar image ennotk kudos50 commented ·
I'am running venus 3.31 and my Shelly's are popping up in the dasboard; pro 3em en pro em-50
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matt1309 avatar image matt1309 ennotk commented ·
Thanks @ennotk i did some research. The em devices work but PM's data structure changes. I think i've got it working with some forked code but thanks for letting me know
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markok12345 avatar image
markok12345 answered ·

I connected my grid meter Shelly 3EM Pro with this guide ( and it works well. I have similar meter in my PV source. Can I connect this meter to Victron as well as grid meter? I know that I must change to config.ini "role" grid -> pvinverter, but how I can prevent that this last installation not override previous grid meter settings? Have I to modify script so that path is different than grid meter?

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matt1309 avatar image matt1309 commented ·
Try changing device instance in config.
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kudos50 avatar image kudos50 commented ·

I switched from this one to using modbus tcp. Both work well but as far as I can see cpu consumption is a lot less.

Someone by the name Jalle19 decided to fix/change the code Victron wrote earlier to allow modbus tcp to the Shelly Pro which is basically the same thing as the new victron meters use I think.

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markok12345 avatar image markok12345 kudos50 commented ·
I tried connect two EM3 Pro Shelly's (grid meter and PV meter) with script what I linked previously and it not work althought I modified script so it install both meters in different path. I don't know what going wrong, but I got only grid meter visible in remote console. This was added before than PV meter.

Maybe I try next kudos50's way and link what you told. Can I add both Shelly's to Victron this way? Have I tried delete last installations before than I can do this? Can you help me how I can do this? Can I delete last settings if I install older firmware to GX device and then upgrade it again?

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