
kai-rottleb avatar image
kai-rottleb asked

EV Charger: How full is my car?


I got the EV Charging Station today and for now, everything seems to run good.

Hence, I wonder there is no information about how full my car is charged already. Is this information available somewhere? It should be, becaus you can define several SOC limits for the charger.


ev charging station
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Hi, no, that information is not available. Only when charging DC, the car will provide that info.
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hominidae avatar image hominidae Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

...not totally true. There is ISO15118 ... but besides the little SMART BEV, no car worldwide has actually implemented it (yet).

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1 Answer
hominidae avatar image
hominidae answered ·

...all EV-Charging Solutions I know of are dependent on integration into a Solution from the Car Manufacturer (like a Portal from the OEM) to monitor SoC. This is a major effort, as their APIs change quite often.

There are intermediates, that cover some parts of this integration, like Tronity.

However, with that kind of solution, your are dependent that the car, when parked/charging, has internet access itself (not always easy, when in an underground garage).

Next best / simple thing would be to create a local solution, based on average consumption (kWh/km), installed car battery capacity and charging efficiency/loss. Hence enabling the GX to calculate the SoC manually based on the amount of energy charged.

This is what my non-victron EV Charger does (besides all the other options mentioned above)and it works quite well.

Also, this may all change, once car manufacturers (and EV-Charging gear manufacturers, too) start implementing ISO15118.

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