
Bret Watson avatar image
Bret Watson asked

Multiplus II in "off-grid"

So sadly, here in Australia the Multiplus II is certified for Standalone operation (ie. grid-connected, but no feed-in permitted). However, the local energy network will not permit grid connection at all, for the somewhat decent reason that I could flick a switch and the Multiplus would do feed-in...

Anyway, since I bought it before finding out, I'm stuck with having it behind an ATS, effectively as a generator for my house. I'm expecting that I'll need some re-wiring or some Node-red trickery in Venus to handle when the draw is greater than 5kW

How do I set it up in that mode? Does everything have to be on the Critical AC output? or does it not matter?

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Michelle Konzack avatar image Michelle Konzack commented ·
Hmmm, do you need on Australia a permission to use an UPS? ;-)

Simply configure your MultiPlus-II as UPS/ESS without feed-in and connect the MultiPlus-II using a 32A CEE Plug...

...this mean, you can get legal around the law, because the connection is not fixed. It works in Germany, France, Spain and Portugal at least!

In clear, you configure an Off-the-Grid system and use the GRID as endless backup generator

Have a nice day.

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Bret Watson avatar image Bret Watson Michelle Konzack commented ·

Yup, unfortunately, in Australia we "love" rules and inspections.. So while I could do that - I need to get it installed by an electrician who's license is on the line if they install it incorrectly.

From what I understand in ESS mode - if teh grid drops, then only the critical load output runs from battery?

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1 Answer
Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·


You can have it only for critical loads in the house, under the ESS settings you can turn off and on the export of power. And also have a Micro grid mode that will allow feed in by using another Grid tied inverter and the Victron as your UPS supply.

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Bret Watson avatar image Bret Watson commented ·

That seems to be it..

for anyone else searching -

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