
iot avatar image
iot asked

Cerbo GX not showing individual power consumption of 2 Multis connected in parallel

I have connected 2 Multis in parallel and connected to a cerbo gx. I was expecting the display to show the power as seen by the individual multis just like the way it displays for a 3 phase system (ie L1, L2, L3). So i was thinking it would show that of "Master" and "Slave".

Is this possible?

Multiplus-IImultiplus in parallel
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


It diplays per phase values. Each master reports for the phase is controls. In theory they are no longer two units in the system as they are configured to work as one.

You would need to add meters. I am not sure how that will add up in VRM or even how it would be configured never tried it.

Usually in a good set up, there is a fairly balanced split.

You can see the bias when you commision and tong test or meter them out when load testing.

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iot avatar image
iot answered ·

Thanks Alexandra.

My question was that on the GX display can you have it show the power each individual inverter is producing or allowing to pass-thru in a PARALLEL configuration of just 2 multis

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

My answer was, yes with a meter....

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Not by default, you have to, as Alexandra has said, add additional metering gear.

That is why a clamp meter is rather important for commissioning these types of systems.

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iot avatar image iot nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Ok, thanks a million. Will this show up in the GX display?
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