
thtruck avatar image
thtruck asked

Is the auxiliary 4 amps output of the multiplus only usable when the multiplus is on?

Is the auxiliary 4 amps output of the multiplus ( 24/3000/70-6) only usable when the multiplus is actually on?

Now i have a Orion TR 24/24/17 for charging my auxiliary batteries from my main battery but i want to reverse it now to charge my main batteries from the auxiliary batteries. As a solution i want to use the 4 amps charge capability of the multiplus to load the auxiliary batteries instead. Can this only work when the multipus is actually on? If not is there a workaround?

multiplus ve.bus
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2 Answers
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

The 4A auxiliary output is connected directly to the DC supply on the Multiplus so it is in essence connected to the Multiplus batteries and is always on. On my system with solar connected to the Multiplus batteries it means the solar keeps the engine start battery charged when the Multiplus is off. There is a diode built in the auxiliary output so the battery on the auxiliary output can not charge the Multiplus batteries.

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thtruck avatar image thtruck commented ·
Great news. Thank you for anwering my question.
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kukla avatar image
kukla answered ·

OK. My bad. I don't have a multiplus. It is a multi.

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