
alferz avatar image
alferz asked

Upgrading usbserial Driver on Venus OS

Having a strange issue with Venus OS - I am trying to read my JBD BMS via an RS-485 to USB adapter using NodeJBD and/or jbdtools. My adapter and these tools read the BMS perfectly when I installed latest Raspbian OS on my RPi 4 or from a PC running Ubuntu 22. But when I try to run them from my Venus OS image on the same RPi4 with the same adapter, the mentioned utils do eventually get the data off the RS-485 connection but it is slow and the connection errors out many times before finally succeeding. I want to get this as close to real time as possible but something in the Venus OS is preventing that.

I ran modinfo usbserial and see v5.10.110 is used for the usbserial module under VenusOS. The later version on Raspbian is 6.1.21-v8+ so I was thinking I could either upgrade the usbserial version on Venus OS, or try installing the Venus packages on Raspbian (though I'm not sure if this is even possible). I would prefer to go the raspbian route, the lack of apt on Venus OS is severely limiting IMO.

Anyone have a suggestion on where I could go from here, whether its worthwhile exploring upgrading the usbserial driver or trying to get Venus working on pure Raspbian?

Venus OS
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3 Answers
bathnm avatar image
bathnm answered Ā·

@alferz I very much doubt it is an issue with the usbserial driver. The reason for the difference is the kernel itself. So you cannot copy the usbserial driver from one to the other and expect it to work.

You have not shared any details on the make and model of the rs485 adapter you have, or the chipset it is based on. VenusOS has a means of detecting devices on certain RS485 adapters, for some specific chipsets, through the serial-starter scripts deployed into udev and other parts of the VenusOS to detect what is on the RS485 connection and start the respective service.

I suspect what is happening is that two systems are trying to open the RS485 bus and creating conflict. VenusOS itself may be opening the RS485 interface and trying to detect the service, as well as NodeJBD and/or jbdtools. I suspect that the VenusOS is holding the ports open, creating a problem for your other code.

A search of the web for serial-starter and venusOS will provide a lot of useful background information. One in particular might be this link. If my hypothesis is correct, you need to stop VenusOS from opening the RS485 interface, allowing your code to have full access to the interface.

Do note however that VenusOS is what is referred to as an embedded operating system. While it is based on a linux kernel, it is not a fully fledged desktop OS. It has been modified and developed to do just one job, managing and reporting on a Victron eco system of energy storage and power management. You will therefore find that components you expect to be there are either not or are cut down with limited functionality. One such component is apt, which will not work particularly well as VenusOS has it's own opkg package manager and combining apt with VenusOS could cause dependancy issues with regards to base libraries.

Regarding installing the VenusOS packages on Raspbian. I suspect some people may have managed it, but it will be a lot of work, trial and error and no-one that I am aware of has any documentation.

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alferz avatar image
alferz answered Ā·

@Bathnm -- I dont know what I would have done without your post, thank you for your expertise. That link was not coming up after a great deal of Googling this problem. Your hypothesis proved correct, and simply ignoring /dev/ttyUSB0 using

/opt/victronenergy/serial-starter/ ttyUSB0

did the trick -- causing serial-starter to stop polling the port and opening it up for jbdtools, node-jbd or even a quick python script to poll the BMS with ease. The second method of adding an ignore line to /etc/udev/rules.d/serial-starter.rules was even better because it is permanent and also avoids blocking other ttyUSB dev's like the MK3-USB which may change ttyUSB#'s in my testing. With that method you can block by the unique model ID of the device you don't want serial-start'd.

My RS-485 to USB adapter is a WaveShare FT232RL which shows up as an ftdi_sio compatible device just like the MK3-USB does, I imagine any /dev/ttyUSB* device would have this same issue.

Thanks again!

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bathnm avatar image
bathnm answered Ā·
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